

Sexual authenticity is a journey; a series of lessons, a process of learning about ourselves and working to let go of guilt and shame. With over 40+ years of combined experience, the practitioners at RCSHC are here to guide you towards this authenticity, no matter where you are on your journey.

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pelvic healthcare provider collaborating with others

Pelvic Healthcare: When to Refer Out and Who to Refer To

The Multi-Disciplinary Pelvic Health Team In the realm of pelvic healthcare, knowing when to refer out and who to refer to is essential for providing comprehensive and effective care to clients and patients. As providers,...
woman lying down experiencing pelvic pain

Is This Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

A Guide for Providers As providers working with patients who come from all walks of life, we often encounter individuals who present with symptoms that may have their roots in pelvic floor dysfunction. And if...

How to Talk to Your Patients/Clients About Pelvic Health

Are you struggling to talk to your patients or clients about their pelvic health concerns? When it comes to addressing pelvic health, initiating conversations with patients can be challenging. Rebecca Slape, DPT and Alana Ogilvie,...
Kristine making an appearance on Afternoon Live to talk about the benefits of a couple's retreat.

Watch Kristine on Afternoon Live!

Join us with Kristine as she talks about the benefits of joining a couple's retreat.

Scheduling is Sexy

Put it On the Calendar So You Can Put it On Me Later In the last couple of weeks the idea of putting sex on the calendar has come up with multiple people, clients and...